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Garden art has always been Amy’s calling. Beginning with simple birdhouses in high school, Amy honed her skills through years of designing and making bird feeders, garden stakes and more. She began selling her work in 2005 and continues to show at arts and crafts fairs across the Pacific Northwest. Amy has spent hours observing the antics of songbirds visiting her garden, sketching each species on paper and then designing a bird using sheet metal and rods.


Each bird is beautifully finished with enamel paint, making the artwork weather resistant, and has many layers of feathers, spaced apart using hardware and welding techniques (her husband helps out wherever he can). The resulting product is a brilliant, three dimensional, lively songbird that brightens one’s home and garden.  Amy’s creativity is constantly evolving as she is always keeping her eyes open for new ideas and designs. Stop by her booth, and you will be delighted by what you encounter.

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